Tuesday, June 14, 2011

she's 8!

Believe it or not, the weather was nice and nobody was ill so we were able to have Mackenzie's party on the actual birthday! We spent the day at the beach with a bunch of friends-so much fun! Mackenzie informed me yesterday that, "It's a good day to be me." She had such a good time and we did too :)

Daddy giving Kylie a ride in the bucket

The first of many girly presents


Abby-the first to escape "the pit" (as seen below)

Have kids and want to relax at the beach? Just throw them in a pit for awhile...

Victoria, Mackenzie, Noelle and Sophie

Kylie and Eddie chowing down the pizza

Jamey...seriously one of the cutest babies EVER!

Quite entertaining:

Time for the Mackenzie update... She is our sweet(most of the time:), sociable girl. Loves all things girly, although she will play anything Brendan plays. She doesn't like to be on her own very often, but prefers having playmates. She is still doing ballet and is doing really well. She looks so pretty with her long legs! This weekend she will have her next recital, so pics to come. Daddy has been teaching her tennis, and she is doing great! She has done really well in school this year; her reading has taken off. She is my hands on learner-loves to be doing, but not so much listening :) This has been somewhat of a challenge for me since I am a audio/visual learner, but the Lord is faithful and each year gets better. We are so proud of our girl and look forward to seeing her blossom as her understanding grows and her talents develop. She wrote a worship song with daddy this year, so hopefully we'll get that posted on here soon. Of course, we know how that goes... :)
Well, I'm only two months behind; I guess that's not so bad for me...
We celebrated Brendan's 10th birthday with his friends at a pool party at Grandma's house. We had a blast! Most of the time was spent with the partygoers pelting each other with beach balls. Of course, Donathan was the initial instigator; he was out to get Pete. Not sure where all this pent up agression came from! I think it's a boy thing...