It's pretty amazing. We are really enjoying studying astronomy and seeing God's handiwork in the heavens.
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. -Mark Twain
Awesome pictures... think I could send my kids there? ;)
these are such cool pictures... when we were doing this and I looked through the telescope, it was like you could hear the landscape... you know, that "outer space" metallic sound... lol... I know, too many movies!
That Creator of ours has such handiwork indeed!
Hugs to you!
wow! coolest pics ever!
lol to Deb's comment. that is hilarious!! i'm still laughing:-)
That is a good idea. What great pictures.
Awesome pics! The telescope sounds like fun. Of course I would never have been able to figure out how to set it up and focus it...
You need a Donathan for that!
I LOVE homeschooling families...doing education right!
It isn't the filling of a bucket, it's the lighting of a fire!!! You guys are lighting a fire of love for learning in your home! Great photos!
Sometimes I actually miss homeschooling, more these days than ever if you know what I mean! Boo Hoo! :(
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