Donathan and I got to go on a two day vacation while Nana Sherry watched the kiddos. Thank you, Sherry!!! This is the first time we've gotten away since Kylie was born. We stayed at a Bed and Breakfast in St. Augustine. The last time I was there was almost 15 years ago. (I'm sure Debbie remembers! And it was stinkin' hot then too!) We had
such a good time. Donathan brought the scooter and surprisingly, we both fit on it. I'm sure we looked ridiculous, but it was a blast...until we got a flat tire. Oh well.
Lunch at one of the many eateries

We saw some guy catch a hammerhead on the pier

One of the cannons on Fort Castillo

St. Augustine beach

Our silly self shots

A very yummy dinner at some restaurant I can't remember the name of

Our sweet set of wheels :)

Trying to fix the flat tire, but not so successful