Friday, June 13, 2008

happy birthday mackenzie!

She is officially 5 today. We started out the morning with a special breakfast, met Grandma and Grandpa for lunch and presents and then went swimming in their pool. Just a kick-back day with the big party next week.

birthday girls

more pink toys

my silly kids


Cheryl said...


Deb said...

Happy Birthday Kim and Mackenzie!!! Kim, I didn't forget your birthday, but as is tradition, your card will arrive late ;). Did Mom give Mackenzie our present?

kimberly said...

no worries, especially since it is no longer my birthday-i have given it all to my daughter due to the fact that i have no desire to turn 30 next year. :)
and yes, mackenzie loved her gifts. she has already told me she is wearing her necklace to church on sunday. thank you so much!

Deb said...

Oh good! Glad she got her stuff, and I do think I need a picture of her with her necklace. ;)

Ah yes the big 3-0... let me know how that goes...avoiding it and all. ;)