You know, it's been a few years since we've had toddlers in the household and I think I conveniently forgot many things, like:
Picky, picky eater. Kylie is by far the pickiest of the three yet. I am hoping she outgrows this phase rather quickly. She survives on pizza, dairy and pasta. I'm not sure what happened since she used to eat every veggie and fruit I gave her. I'm sure it's payback for my picky eating habits as a child.

Climbing into and onto every imaginable space (and then getting stuck). Today I found her standing on Mackenzie's play table. Guess she can climb more than I thought.

Helping with the laundry by wiping her runny nose on the clean clothes.

Emptying out the kitchen drawers several times a day and dragging their contents all over the house.

Playing with her crazy siblings who found some boxes and decided they were boats. They threw a bunch of play food in them and "rowed" around the house, which led to building tents in the living room.

Oh, these are the moments I live for. I must be really emotional since Donathan left for Ghana since I want to cry every time I see these pictures.

Oh yes, and today Kylie found a little bottle of glittery nail polish that Mackenzie got in a party gift bag. At least it was clear...
Ghana update: I got a quick 90 second phone call from Donathan to say they made it to Accra today and will be flying into the North tomorrow. They will be sharing the gospel hut to hut and showing the Jesus film. This trip will be a little more difficult since they will be camping! Please continue to keep them in prayer!!