Kylie at 13 months

Mackenzie at around 15 months
Mackenzie 12 months
Kylie 12 months

It is so strange to look at your children and see yourself there!

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. -Mark Twain
wow, those photos are incredible... I don't think cloning would have brought more resemblance than the natural way you brought these kids into the world! I wonder what it's like to see yourself in a child...
WOW!! Those are beautiful... it is amazing! What a fun comparison too.
(Lord willing, one day soon Whit!)
AWESOME.....what a FUN post kim!
LOL same cowlick and all! ;)
That was a fun post!
Give all your little clones a kiss and hug from me and Uncle Jeremy!!!
Somehow I missed this incredible..I have seen you in your kids right from the start cute...
a side note to Whit...hopefully, you will get to see you in your kids in the next few years... smile, smile, smile... :)
Hey Williams family: Donathan, I am so happy you hijacked Golden's Facebook information and found me. I have thought of you all over the years and am thrilled to be in touch once again. What a joy to catch a glimpse of all that God is doing in and through your lives! You have been blessed; praise to Him. I am well and living in rural MN. I moved here to be close to my dad and brother and his family. I am the director of a non-profit and we provide support to older adults and caregivers. I finally have my "imaginary dog named Chet" only his name is Rupert and he's a big, fluffy, Australian Labradoodle. I'd send you a picture of him... m-m-m - this is my first time writing on a blog so... I'll have to figure it out. Love and blessings to you all. Julie
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