Nana and Mackenzie making jewelry

Daddy and Brendan learning how to send spy messages

Grandma and Kylie with the new snowman (or as Kylie says, "no-nan")

Papa getting a cat nap in

Brendan trying out his new electric scooter

Singing at the rest home on Christmas Day. Such a blessing.

Kylie trying out her new scooter

Daddy and Brendan with their new remote control helicopters from Grandma and Grandpa

Brendan reading the Christmas story from Luke chapter 2

Kids choir at the Christmas Eve service at the Performing Arts Center.

Worship Team at Christmas Eve Service

Kylie on Christmas Eve

Our angel and wise man

Mackenzie at the playgroup Christmas party

Kylie at the playgroup Christmas party

And here I thought my Christmas was busy! Hope you got to take a nap... looks like you earned one! ;)
I enjoyed seeing your Christmas festivities! Precious!
Love Mrs. Slug
wow... that was a wonderful album of Christmas happenings!
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