Brendan's gift from Daddy: a cajon. That means more banging around the house!

From Grandma and Grandpa: a trip to New York! (I think I will have to stowaway on that one!)

Books from Auntie Debbie and Uncle Jeremy; perfect for our bookworm.

Time for the Brendan update. He is still doing karate/jiu jitsu and loving it. Daddy has also been teaching the kids tennis a couple times a week and he's doing great. Still loves playing the drums, whether it's a full set, djembe or now, his cajon. He told me he wants to serve the Lord by playing drums for worship, so we will see what comes of that! He is excelling in his schoolwork, although he has inherited his dad's gift of very creative spelling :) We just started learning Koine Greek this past month and he's doing really well! I really enjoy homeschooling him and being able to discuss a lot of different topics. I think we both enjoy history the most. He is at the age where he loves telling us corny jokes and has inherited my gift of sarcasm. Hmmm. Guess we both need to work on that one. It's very strange to hear yourself come out of your kids! Daddy has been teaching him to sail and he loves it. I think it must be in the blood. We are hoping to get him started in a sailing program this next month. He is very much like me in that he could read all day once he gets started on a book. It drives Mackenzie crazy because she just wants to play with him! He loves building legos; definitely takes after Daddy's imaginative/creative side. He is a good big brother. Of course, like all siblings, he has his moments. We sometimes call him the "third parent," as he likes to correct his sister-one of those areas we need to work on :)
We are so thankful for our son and the joy that he brings to this family. I love how each of our kids are so unique. Can't wait to see what the Lord does with each of them!
You really need to find a new tradition other than getting sick on birthdays and holidays. Really. There are better things out there. ;)
I agree, but traditions are so hard to break!
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