Saturday, August 16, 2008

church work day

Today was the first official church work day on the new facility. My only contribution was baking cookies seeing as I had a baby strapped on my back and another extremely whiny daughter who needed a nap, but Brendan stayed with Daddy the whole day and helped (with some play time, of course:)


Deb said...

Give Brendan a high five from me for working hard today! And tell Mackenzie, I understand... I get cranky when I miss my nap, too! ;)

You did enough, baking in heat! I would've run to the market and bought cookies! LOL

Cheryl said...

I got there later, after going to the hospital, but got some good pictures I was gonna put up eventually. These are great!

Anonymous said...

AW how cute are you guys! I am so excited for the new building! My parents said that it should be done by the time im home :] thanks pretty exciting! Love you!